• Cedar Mill Parish Neighbors

    In the July 2023 edition of the Cedar Mill Parish Neighbors, Mary Beth Miller writes about the Joyfully Catholic Chesterton Academy experience and invites families to seek out our school as a faithful and joy-filled high school option for their sons and daughters.

  • School News

    We have reached the end of an inaugural school year that has been a great adventure. Classes have finished, finals are done, grades are in, and we are officially on summer break!

    In gratitude for our inaugural year and for our very generous benefactors who have made it possible for us to move forward with great hope to our second year, this summer we will have five Masses celebrated at Holy Rosary Church, especially for our donors and their intentions.

  • Theatre of the Saints

    Chesterton Academy Presents Theatre of the Saints June 1st

    Please join the students of the Chesterton Academy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati for a showcase of dramatic scenes from the lives of the Saints at 5pm on Thursday, June 1st, at Holy Rosary's Wasco Room in Aquinas Hall, located at 340 NE Clackamas Street, Portland. The performance is suitable for all ages (provided they have the attention span to sit for over an hour). Refreshments will be provided. Thank you in advance for your free will offering.

  • A special To the Heights Thank You

    All the students, families, faculty, and board members of CHESTERTON ACADEMY of BL. PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI wish to thank everyone who made our 2023 To the Heights Gala a great success! We raised over $50,000! However, it was the excitement and encouragement from those who attended which truly made this a night of Chestertonian merriment - full of laughter and joy. Thank you so much for supporting our school through PRAYER, SPREADING THE WORD, and CONTRIBUTIONS!

  • Chesterton Gala School Voices

    Mary Beth Miller and McLeod Sumner discuss the mission and approach to high school education using the Chesterton Academy model with Dina Marie Hale on Mater Dei Radio. Learn about the upcoming To the Heights Gala celebration scheduled on April 22nd to support this unique model of classical education.

  • Brenda Aikin's Radio Interview with Dale Ahlquist

    Dale Ahlquist, President of the G.K. Chesterton Society and founder of the Chesterton Schools Network, speaks with Mater Dei Radio Morning Blend’s Brenda Aikin. Dale invites listeners in the Portland Metro Area to join him at Chesterton Academy’s To the Heights gala benefit on April 22.

  • To the Heights Commercial

    Listen to Dale Ahlquist, President of the G.K. Chesterton Society, and founder of the Chesterton Schools Network, promote our April 22, 2023 To the Heights Gala!

  • School News

    Praise be to Jesus Christ! The school community here at Chesterton Academy of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati has been hard at work, and we are excited to let you know what we have been up to. In January we completed a successful first semester, and we are now well into our second.

  • Catholic Sentinel

    Father Corwin Low was recently interviewed by the Catholic Sentinel to discuss Chesterton Academy.

  • 1st Day of School

    On September 6th, 2022 Chesterton Academy of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati opened their door for the first day of school.

  • Radio Interview

    Roy Friend (Academic Dean and Humanities Teacher) and Christine Fodrea (Board Member and Parent) speak with Mater Dei Radio’s Morning Blend program about our school.

  • The Books are In!

    One of the things that makes Chesterton different from most other schools is students will get to keep the majority of the non-core books that they use. This allows them to build up a personal library of catholic and classical texts including a personal Bible and Catechism.

  • Placement Testing & Parent Interviews

    Over the last month perspective students have been taking the Classic Learning Test (CLT) in preperation for the start of the new school year. In additon we have been performing parent interviews allowing us to get the know the familes and understand the students at a deeper level.

  • Faculty Hired

    When the biggest problem you have when hiring your teachers is that you have too many quality candidates, you are on a path for success. We are proud to announce that our faculty for the 2022-2023 has been hired and is ready for a great school year.